The British Library
Charles Robinson

Black Cat Phone Cases

The British Library as in the Daily Life of Chinese People

The British Library is one of the largest academic libraries in the world and has a history of more than 260 years. In 2018, the official art derivatives of The British Library first landed in China, under the active planning and development with The Promise.

Charles Robinson and

“The Black Cat”

The early 20th century was the golden age of British book publishing. Charles Robinson is an extremely productive book illustrator. "The Black Cat" is a classic work from him. It tells the story of a black cat wandering through the streets of New York. Charles Robinson's lively and sleek illustrations, paired with Walter Copeland's glamorous rhymes, brings alive the cool and humorous cats from paper.

Enlightened by the Black Cat

Live Like a Cat

The Promise's IP development design team selects "The Black Cat" from massive collections. Its portrayal of temperament and philosophy of life is a valuable and suitable attitude to today’s culture, delighting people's daily life by the mobile phone case series.

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